
Each of us needs time away from work to take care of a variety of personal and family needs. UNE offers a rich variety of leave time to attend to these situations while maintaining standards for the University. 虽然本节概述了许多正规澳门赌场网络的休假选择, the Personnel Handbook and 人力资源 can answer more detailed questions that you may have about your particular situation.


UNE faculty and professional staff are dedicated to what they do, 但他们也珍惜与家人在一起的时间, 朋友, and members of their community or just to kick back and relax. Our vacation options vary depending on your employment status with the University.

假期是提前安排的,以达到最大的灵活性, but is considered earned time and is earned for every full month completed. Individuals not completing a full fiscal year will be prorated for each full month worked.

员工 who earn vacation time may carry forward up to 40 hours of earned and unused vacation days into the new academic year.

Full-time Faculty, Administrative, and Professional Personnel


If you are working full time for 12 months per fiscal year in a salaried faculty, 行政或专业职位, 你每年将获得160个小时.

9- 10个月的行政和专业职位

If you are working full time in a salaried 行政或专业职位, you will receive a prorated amount for the number of full months you are scheduled to work during a full year. 



如果你是全职的小时工, you will begin receiving vacation time at the rate of 10 days per year for your first 3 years. In years 4 and 5 you will earn 15 days per year and after 5 years you will earn 20 days per year.


如果你是全职的小时工, you will receive a pro-rated amount for the number of full months you are scheduled to work during a full year. 

Half-time Faculty, Administrative, and Professional Personnel

如果你在一个学院工作一半时间, 行政, 或者职业角色, you will earn vacation time at half the rate of your full time counterparts.


如果你的工作时间是半小时, you will earn vacation time at half the rate of your full-time counterparts.


  • 登录 Okta 使用您的东北ID登录名和密码
  • 然后选择UNE Compass应用程序
  • 点击员工仪表板卡中的“我的员工信息”
  • 你的休假时间余额会在这一页的顶部. Hourly leave balances are accurate as of the last payroll paid. Salaried leave balances are updated on the 15 of the month for the balance as of the end of the previous month.


From time to time it becomes necessary to miss work because of your own illness or injury, to attend scheduled medical or dental procedures and check-ups, 或者照顾你生病的孩子, 配偶, 国内合作伙伴, 或父母. Full- and half-time faculty and staff are provided sick leave to attend to these situations and protect you from income loss. 看到 人事手册(PDF) or talk to your 人力资源 representative for full details.


大学通常有12个指定假期, 两个浮动假期, and one personal day for full- and half-time faculty and staff. 详情请参阅 假期时间表(PDF).


在生育或收养儿童的情况下, long-term illnesses and injuries to yourself or to care for certain family members, the University offers disability and or 家庭医疗假 which may be paid or unpaid leave time. 你应该复习一下 人事手册(PDF) and work with 人力资源 when these situations arise so that you understand the full range of benefits. 另外, 生活中的重大变化有时会带来额外的需求, 比如找个日托所, 长者护理资源, 或者更新遗嘱. UNE通过我们的网站提供多种服务 员工援助计划 来帮助你处理这些生活事件.



Beginning after Graduation in May through the end of August, full- and half-time salaried and hourly employees may request personal time off without pay, 不超过三个月. Hourly employees can request time off in hourly increments only, and salaried employees can request time off in full-day increments only. 

  • 好处 will not be affected by approved time off — however, employees are responsible for their portion of their premiums and should work with 工资 to ensure premiums remain caught up.
  • Not all departments have the flexibility to accommodate requests so department approval is required to ensure that work continues without interruption. Departments that approve time off under this benefit are not authorized to hire temporary help to fill the gap left by the employee taking advantage of this benefit.

Interested employees should meet with their supervisor prior to the last week in April to discuss the option that works for both the employee and department. 如果申请在四月最后一个星期前没有提交, employees may still request time off once the summer starts, but they must give their supervisor a minimum notice of 30 days. 员工 should complete and discuss their request with their supervisor. Upon approval by the supervisor, forms should be forwarded to 工资. Any changes to the approved planned unpaid time off must be communicated as soon as possible in writing to 工资.



You may have other situations that aren’t covered by the leave time types described above. 的 人事手册(PDF) has descriptions of other types of leave that may be relevant. You may also contact your 人力资源 representative with any questions you may have about other types of leave time.